Engage In Education

ENGAGE IN EDUCATION reached out to Let’s Fund It by email to inform us of the work they do and to see could we collaborate on a project together.

A zoom meeting was held with John Roche, one of the administrators at Engage, to find out how Let’s Fund It could help them.

John explained to us how they help the community by supporting those through education and how they were expanding their office space and may need some equipment.


Let’s Fund It offered a donation to Engage and asked John what they might need and how we could help their service users.

John got back to us by email explaining that they have recently opened a new section of their office and could use a new monitor or screen to use when giving presentations to students and their parents.

Let’s Fund It set out in sourcing a Smart TV that would be ideal for their needs & purchased a Samsung TV from Soundstore in Limerick.

Let’s Fund It delivered the TV to the Engage offices in the Limerick Enterprise Development Park on Thursday, 2nd of December.

Total Cost for this project was €449.97.
