How we engage other charities
Children’s Ark of UHL
LFI contacted The Children’s Ark in University Hospital Limerick and offered its support. LFI spoke with Orlaith, the head of The Children’s Ark playroom who outlined the need for new stationary such as crayons, paper, paint and so on for the children as well as new toys. She clearly described the benefit it would have for the children to have a freshly stocked playroom.
LFI contacted Owen, the owner of Silkes Stationary and received a quote of €200 for an extensive order of card, paper, paint, crayons, markers, paintbrushes, coloured paper and other stationary these items as well as some small toys. LFI had the available funds in its account to fulfil the need for The Children’s Ark. Thus, LFI proceeded with the donation.
In October 2019, LFI collected the stationary and toys from Silkes in Limerick City. Owen, the owner was very kind in adding extra items to the order free of charge for the children in The Children’s Ark. LFI delivered these items in person to the playroom who were delighted with the help.

Milford Care Centre
LFI sent an email to Milford Hospice in October 2019 and offered its support. Milford Hospice responded with the request of a specialised commode. LFI met with Milford Hospice’s Head of Non-Clinical Services, Carol Murray. During the meeting Carol outlined the purpose of the commode, the benefit it will bring to the charity service users and where it can be purchased.
With the help of Milford Hospice and its suppliers, LFI received a quote of €290 for the specialised commode including its delivery to the hospice. LFI had the available funds in its account to fulfill the need for Milford Hospice. Thus, LFI proceeded with the donation.
In November 2019, Milford Hospice took delivery of the specialised commode from J.S. Dobbs & Co. Ltd for €290.

Limerick Animal Welfare
LFI responded to an appeal issued by Limerick Animal Welfare (LAW) for dog and cat food in May 2020. LAW replied with a list of desired items. LFI went about researching the list of desired items and the costs of these items. Petstop was selected as the best supplier as it was the best value for money.
LFI was quoted €201.19 for the items from Petstop. LFI had the available funds in its account to fulfill the need for LAW. Thus, LFI proceeded with the donation.
In May 2020, LAW took delivery of the list of items they requested from Petstop